We wanted to see Michelle's family and hoped everybody would come to
Leslie and George in Los Angeles. In the end Tom and Shir couldn't travel with
newborn Noam, and Jim and Rose couldn't come for other reasons. But we enjoyed
seeing Leslie and George with family and Sondra who was there for Christmas.
The trip started out with me (Peter) realizing at the airport that my
passport had expired. Of course our el cheapo tickets were non-anything.
After a moment of deliberation we decided that Michelle should fly with Robin
while I would try to get a new passport as quickly as possible. Since it
was Christmas Eve I would miss Christmas but would have a chance to make it for
New Year's Eve. Indeed that worked out, partly because I am a visa holder and
can enter the US with a temporary passport. The rest of the trip went smoother.
I'll write up more another time.
Eine Reise zu George und Leslie in Los Angeles. Abgesehen davon, dass ich am Flughafen feststellte,
dass mein Pass abgelaufen war, war es toll.
Vielleicht schreibe ich irgendwann mal mehr.