
Trip to the Pecos, October 2011

We were able to have a second vacation this year. I had not been able to join Michelle and Robin on their trip to Houston in August, so we wanted as much time together as we could get on this one. We managed to get three weeks (plus 2 days) from our respective project leaders. Hey, thanks for that!

This time we tried something new: We planned to drive more than usual and arranged a fixed date in Albuquerque where we would pick up Tom for a long weekend. To spend some time with Tom in the airstream had been on our minds for long. Now was a good opportunity since Shir was in Israel with the children so that Tom had no family obligations. Fixing this date meant that we had to stick to a predefined schedule which is not our normal mode of travel operation — usually we would just go along and stay a day longer if we liked it somewhere, a travel mode that has suited us well over the years. On top of that the schedule involved a fair amount of driving from Houston to Albuquerque.

In the end it all worked pretty well. Robin is five now and doesn't sleep as much in the car as he used to when he was a baby; on the other hand he really likes to watch movies and pay on the iPad Sondra has given to him, so he can travel a few hours without problems. The trip went from Houston to Albuquerque in three days, where we picked up Tom. We then followed the Pecos River upstream until we hit the Field Tract camp ground, which was a lovely place to stay. In fact, it was a dream. The weather was heavenly, the Aspen trees started to turn yellow, and you just had to point and shoot an it would turn out as a postcard picture.

I tried to group the images. If you have little time check out the panoramas in the Guadalupe National Park section and the postcard pictures from the Pecos. Oh, and in case you want to make prints: Big versions of all pictures are here.

Wir waren diese Jahr in der Lage, zweimal Urlaub zu machen; d.h. Michelle war in der Lage. Bei der ersten Amerika-Reise im Sommer war ich nicht dabei gewesen, weil ich Ende April erst einen neuen Job angefangen hatte. Dieses Mal bekamen wir beide drei Wochen Urlaub am Stück — danke, Projektmanager!

Auf dieser Reise sind wir mehr Auto gefahren als sonst, weil wir in Albuquerque eine Verabredung mit Tom hatten. Schon länger hatten wir Pläne gemacht, ein paar Tage mit Tom im Airstream zu verbringen; jetzt war eine günstige Gelegenheit, weil seine Frau Shir mit den Kindern mehrere Wochen in Israel war, sodass Tom keine famliären Verpflichtungen hatte.

Soviel Auto zu fahren und einen festen Tour-Plan zu haben war neu für uns. Sonst waen wir einfach drauflos gefahren und hatten länger verweilt, wo es uns gefiel. Nun mussten wir aber in drei Tagen in Albuquerque am Flughafen sein. Am Ende lief alles erstaunlich gut. Robin konnte stundenlang im Auto zubringen, solange sein iPad genug Strom hatte. Wir trafen uns mit Tom, fuhren den Pecos flussaufwärts und verbrachten ein paar herrliche Tage in der Natur. Am Pecos war jedes Foto ein Postkarten-Foto.

Wenn du wenig Zeit hast, werfe einfach einen Blick auf das Frühstück am Pecos River, und auf die Panoramen in den Guadalupe Mountains.

Alle Bilder finden sich übrigens in Originalgröße hier, z.B. für Abzüge.

On the Road and in Texas State Parks
On the Camp Ground
Breakfast at the Pecos River, and a Hike
Re-Discovering the Pecos Cabin of the Shaw Family
Guadalupe Mountains, Carlsbad and the Cavern

Last Change Nov 2nd, 2011