With Dartanion in Bend
We wanted to meet Robins's best friend in first grade at GSP, Dartanion. The Salazars had become good
friends during our year here and we were looking forward to seeing them again.
It turned out that Dartanion was with his grandparents in Colorado. How could we meet?
Perhaps share the cost of a flight? Then the grandparents,
Michel and Debbie, volunteered to drive Dart and his sister over to Portland
and we spent 5 days with him south of Bend visiting volcanoes, lakes, and caves.
Every morning Dart would make a campfire for us. He is really into fishing
but we have no clue so although we made two real attempts to fish (we had
fishing poles from last year) we didn't
catch one. I think apart from that Dart really enjoyed being with Robin. He
learned how to ride a bicycle! Well, actually he could already do it but it was nice
to have the little quiet paved practice loop on the campground.
I'll put a few more comments in when I have time.